toldu enables the software independent, automated, sharing of events with family and friends, clients and business partners, and even with followers on social media channels.
And with the calendar subscription option, your friends always have access to the most up to date event schedule on their preferred device.
toldu [ˈtəʊld ˈjuː] was designed to simplify the way of how we let others know about our attendance, meetings, new events and ever often changing schedule. It cuts the need of manually sending updates to everyone and thus reduces the chance of missing to inform someone on time.

Keep an overview over upcoming events

Group events into categories

Share categories with others
No need to manage multiple Google, Outlook or other web calendars just for sharing
No need to resend invitations to clients again
No need to manually inform friends and partners about new meetings or changes in your schedule
No need for everyone to use the same app, just open a web browser
No need to have an email address or an online account, it's fully anonymous

Simply use toldu for all events you want to share with others. They can access your schedule by category and see the entries directly in a browser on any device.
Furthermore, your friends can easily subscribe to the shared category in their calendar app or favourite software tool as an external calendar subscription.
And which ever event you'll add to a toldu shared category, it is automatically pushed and updated to your friends calendar in real time.

Want to let all mums and dads know of your upcoming child care events? Create a toldu category for a single room or all age groups together and share the unique toldu link in a newsletter and on your web site.
Does your consultancy work include multiple projects and clients concurrently? Share, when you'll be on-site again with your clients by sending each contact a unique toldu link, so they can plan and schedule internal resources accordingly.
Inform parents about your public or private school events by class and and share the unique toldu links in newsletters or include the toldu calendar subscription simply on your web site event calendar.
Ever missed a due date for paying an invoice? Create payment events in a toldu category and share it with your partner.
Do you work in a shared office space and need to coordinate attendance with others to collaborate? A toldu category could be shared with others to keep everyone informed.
Shared toldu categories can be accessed in a browser with any device. No one needs an email address or the use of a specific software tool. Besides this, the shared category can be subscribed to for seamless integration into personal calendar apps by adding the unique external calendar link.
Finally, it is quite easy to publish events of a toldu category on your own website too, for example by adding the shared url to a WordPress calendar or show it even within an < iframe/> html tag.